April 1, 2024

March Events Recap

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From Arizona to Pennsylvania, check out the parent advocacy events held by state coalitions across the nation last month!


Arizona Parents for Education held an "I Trust Parents" event on March 21. Our luncheon was keynoted by Senate Education Chairman Ken Bennett, who is also the sponsor of our remote testing bill, Senate Bill 1457. That bill passed unanimously in the state Senate and is now awaiting action in the House. We were also joined by Senator David Farnsworth, Senator Anthony Kern, Senate President Warren Peterson, and State Representative Selena Bliss. PSO Board member Nicole Conragan also flew in for the event. - Chad Willems, Coalition Manager

State Sen. Ken Bennett with PSO Board Secretary Nicole Conragan.
State Sen. Ken Bennett speaks to parents at Arizona Parents for Education's "I Trust Parents" event.
PSO Board Secretary Nicole Conragan.


On March 12, PSO Board Secretary Nicole Conragan attended the CPC Advocacy Summit in Sacramento for her panel, "How to Persuade the Decision Makers." Thank you Nicole for empowering parents!

PSO Board Secretary Nicole Conragan at the CPC Advocacy Summit in Sacramento for her panel, "How to Persuade the Decision Makers."
PSO Board Secretary Nicole Conragan at the CPC Advocacy Summit in Sacramento for her panel, "How to Persuade the Decision Makers."

On March 13, California Parents for Public Virtual Education presented their annual Golden Apple Awards to State Sen. Ochoa Bogh and Assemblyman Joshua Hoover. "We were so fortunate to have so many passionate parents joining us advocating for school choice and parental rights," said Coalition Manager Mike MeCey.

CPPVE parent advocates presenting Golden Apple Awards to State Sen. Ochoa Bogh and Assemblyman Joshua Hoover.
CPPVE parent advocates presenting Golden Apple Awards to Sen. Ochoa Bogh and Assemblyman Joshua Hoover.


PSO was honored to be a sponsor for LAPCS' Charter Day at the Capitol again this year! Louisiana parent leader Donishia Arso-Frison and Regional Field Director Chase Eskelsen attended the event to share PSO's mission with families and lawmakers.

Donishia Arso-Frison and Chase Eskelsen with State Sen. Patrick Connick.
Donishia Arso-Frison and Chase Eskelsen with State Rep. Vincent St. Blanc, author of remote testing bill HB377.
Donishia Arso Frison with Education Committee Chairwoman Laurie Schlegel.
Donishia Arso-Frison with State Rep. Michael Melerine.
Donishia Arso-Frison with State Rep. Barbara Friberg.


Online school parents and educators from around the state recently convened at the capitol in Lansing to meet lawmakers and make the case for full funding and equal funding for all Michigan students.  

It was a necessary trip and critical ask in light of Governor Whitmer’s recently released proposed School Aid budget for FY 2025 in which she has called for a 20 percent reduction in per pupil funding for only children attending full-time online public school.

“It’s frustrating for sure, and it’s absolutely the wrong message to be sending to our students,” said Amy Dunlap, PSO Michigan board chair. “No child should be told their education is worth less than another’s, but that’s essentially the implication in the governor’s proposal. Different but equal—that should be the message and approach to school funding, and that’s what we’re here trying to convey to these lawmakers.”

Over the course of two days, over a dozen online school advocates armed with that message met with state Representatives to make the case for fair and equal funding and to share their own personal stories about vital role online education plays in meeting the unique needs of students and communities across the state.

“It was great to have so many people come to Lansing to advocate on behalf of the online school community, and I think there’s no question we made an impact.”

"Back at it at the #mileg once again having to work for #equalfundingforall students in Michigan. This is no time for cutting education funding for some of Michigan’s most at-risk students, and as parents, teachers and students, we will work to stop it."
"Back at it at the #mileg once again having to work for #equalfundingforall students in Michigan. This is no time for cutting education funding for some of Michigan’s most at-risk students, and as parents, teachers and students, we will work to stop it."


Parent advocates Erika Penuel and Wendy Crossmock were at the Oklahoma State Capitol last month with Regional Director Chase Eskelsen to speak with house members and senators concerning HB3551 and SB1895. HB3551 would eliminate online alternative education programs—a critical educational option for students with unique learning challenges, or whose mental or physical health needs cannot be met in a traditional learning environment. Learn more about HB3551 here.

State Rep. Andy Fugate with parent advocate Wendy Crossmock
State Rep. Andy Fugate and State Rep. John Waldron with parent advocates Erika Penuel and Wendy Crossmock.
State Rep. Andy Fugate with parent advocate Wendy Crossmock
Erika Penuel, Wendy Crossmock, and Chase Eskelsen with State Rep. Ajay Pittman.
State Rep. Forrest Bennett with Wendy Crossmock and Erika Penuel.
Wendy Crossmock and Erika Penuel with State Rep. John Echols.
Chase Eskelsen, Erika Penuel, and Wendy Crossmock with State Rep. Dick Lowe.
Erika Penuel, Wendy Crossmock, and Chase Eskelsen with State Sen. Kristen Thompson.


PSO's National Advocacy Advisor Jordan McGrain was in Philadelphia last month for Pennsylvania-PSO's Family Day at the Franklin Institute! Thank you to all the families who came out to learn about our mission and how to advocate for school choice in your state!

National Advocacy Director Jordan McGrain with families at the Franklin Institute.


On March 8, Digital Public Schools Alliance held their annual Capitol Day. Check out their video of the event here!

Families at Washington Digital Public Schools Capitol Day.

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